Let me start out with a question. How do you view God in your life, how does He fit?

Most people see God like the President or Leader of their country. He is real, He is powerful, but He isn’t really involved in their everyday life.

Most Christians view God like an overbearing parent. They feel like they had no choice about God being actively involved in their life and they feel that His main function is to impose rules that they don’t like or understand. There goal is to keep God’s involvement in their day to day life to a minimum acceptable level. These are individuals who have a “Sunday morning only” type of christianity.

How does God see His relationship with us? Let’s read a couple verses:

Jeremiah 3:14 Turn, O backsliding children, saith the LORD; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion:

Jeremiah 3:1 They say, If a man put away his wife, and she go from him, and become another man’s, shall he return unto her again? shall not that land be greatly polluted? but thou hast played the harlot with many lovers; yet return again to me, saith the LORD.

God looks at our relationship with Him very differently than we do. He sees our relationship as a marriage. When I married my wife Christina, there was a certain day and time when we stood on a platform and made a decision to spend the rest of our lives together. There are things that Christina asks me to do in our relationship and things that she expects, but I don’t do these things because I have to, I do them because I love Christina. God looks at His relationship with you in the same way. First of all, has there been a specific time when you trusted Christ as Savior and decided to spend the rest of your life with Him? If so, God believes you are in a long term committed relationship and He expects to be involved in your every day life. When you back away from this committed relationship with God, you are “Backsliding” from your relationship with God.

Keep tuned for the next post about the effects of Backsliding…

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